Healing Activation: 5 Ways to Transform Your Health


We are so much more powerful than we were led to believe.

What kind of people are drawn to Shine Living Community? One attribute is that they all have a desire to learn how to empower themselves - to heal and grow (and Shine!) from the inside out. And this is exactly what we are working with this month. HEALING ACTIVATION.

We grew up in a family with a brother that was diagnosed as a young child with metachromatic leukodystrophy. We were told by his doctors that he wouldn’t live past 25 years of age. This year he turns 53 years old. How did he do it?

Here are 5 ways he and we, as a family, transformed his health.

  1. As a family, we choose to hold him in wholeness instead of in sickness. Instead of focusing on his disease, we focused on his health and wellbeing and everything he could do instead of what he couldn’t. It took practice and patience but it paid off in spades. 

  2. His joy meter is pretty off the charts. Even in all of the adversity he faces, his joy shines through. He laughs a lot. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He is often moved to tears by the beauty and the love that surrounds him. He does not get stuck in emotions like frustration or fear. He lets the emotions move through him because of his present moment beingness. He tends to keep his heart open no matter what. This moves the energy in his body and creates vitality and healing in his cellular system.

3. Nourishing foods. We eat as natural, local and unprocessed foods as possible. We eat close to the earth and in season to get the best flavor and the most nutrients out of our food.

4. Inspired community to ride through life’s celebrations and challenges is vital in healing. It has been proven that being in a loving, supportive community makes us happier and healthier, it helps quell physical and emotional pain, it even protects our brain and increases brain health. Our mom is one of 12 children so we always have a community rallying around Dennis. And it has been our passion to create it wherever we go. 

5. LOVE ALL THE WAY. We practice loving ourselves into wholeness by giving loving attention to even the dark shadowy places and the places that are in physical or emotional pain which accesses the healing energy within. Love heals. We have been witnessing this our entire lives with Dennis. We all have the capacity to love ourselves into wholeness and to heal even the deepest wounds. 

We believe in self-healing in these ways so strongly that we have built a whole ecosystem from it, including our 20+ years of running community-driven organic restaurants and gathering places to Shine Living Community. SLC is our global network committed to energizing, nourishing, and awakening from the inside out. 

We created a lifeline of healing and growth through our life’s work because of what we have witnessed in healing through these modalities. Just like our thoughts and emotions can make us sick, they can also heal us. 

This way of choosing healing and love instead of worry, anxiety, and fear is a practice. When you commit to practicing healing tools and techniques, you start to create new pathways in your brain that become new ways of being and a new lens in which to see your world. You start to see and feel solutions where you once might have felt stuck or hopeless. Life becomes a lot more full of opportunities and challenges become opportunities for growth. Could you imagine what our life, our family, our world would look like if more of us tuned into love and compassion? Are you ready to fall in love with yourself and shift your lens toward healing and growth?

Read on for unique Spring recipes that will have you foraging in your yard and simple healing techniques with profound benefits. Also learn how to join SHINE Living Community as we access healing activation together.

Upcoming Events


Freedom Movement Wednesdays

Weekly on Wednesdays from

9:30am - 11am MT


The Freedom Movement Method™ is where Jill & Jessica combine dance, yoga and meditation to take you higher to a state of pure SHINE. We offer this as an incredible weekly event to build empowerment, stamina, strengthen and tone all while transforming energy and harnessing joy….together. Join us in person in Boulder or via livestream.


Your May Thrival Tips

This month through our classes, workshops and inspirations ~ we will be practicing how to to heal and grow (and Shine!) from the inside out. Healing Activation!

We have chosen three tips and a journal prompt to help you ENERGIZE, NOURISH & AWAKEN. And please do join us at our weekly FM class where we will practice (live and virtually) this theme all month long. You can join us live in Boulder, Colorado or online from everywhere. When we practice together it amplifies the results and to us, that is the true meaning of community.



Do something every day that brings you joy. Yes, on the daily. We like to turn on a song and dance our hearts open. This song is a song we dance to with choreography in our Freedom Movement classes, it is a great one to move to.


Dandelions have gotten a rough reputation. Truth is, they are not only amazing to aerate and mineralize the soil but they also have incredible health benefits for us! They are WAY more powerful than we may have been taught. .

Learn more about the benefits of dandelions here.

Check out foraging and preparing dandelion tea here.


Heart Breath with extended exhales. Lock on to love with this breathwork where you visualize your heart as your lungs and breathe open and expand your heart through this simple exercise.

1. Sit in a comfortable seated position, eyes closed

2. Place your hand(s) at your heart center. It is easier to bring your attention to your heart by putting a hand or both hands over your heart.

3. Take long slow deep breaths through the nose, while visualizing the breath coming in and out of your heart

4. Extend your exhales by a few counts, like inhaling for count of 4 and exhaling for a count of 6. Or inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 7.

5. Feel the energy in and around your heart expanding and flooding your entire system and beyond your body. See if you can stay with it for at least 3 minutes. If music helps you drop in, hit play on this song.

to access the wisdom that already lies within. 

What is something you want to heal either physically or emotionally in your being?

  1. Write it down.

  2. Next, write down all the things you will do once it is healed. Write it in as much detail as possible

  3. Next sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe life into that part of your body (heart if it's heartbreak, maybe into the belly if it is where you are feeling anxiety, the back if you are feeling back pain etc). Invite the space to open.

  4. Start to breathe love into that part of you.

  5. Start to visualize and feel the feelings in your body of all the things you wrote down that you will do and how it will feel when it is healed. Breathe love, open and visualize you healed for at least 3 minutes.

  6. Check in with your body and see if anything has shifted.

  7. Continue this practice as many times as needed until you feel a shift (because it WILL shift!)

Big announcements coming soon. Stay tuned.


Connect with us:

  • Local to the Front Range of Colorado? Join us in-person for one of our upcoming events!

  • Join us on the Sea of Cortez in the Baja of Mexico this November. Learn more here

  • Take Shine with you wherever you go! Become a member of the Shine Living Community app for on-demand yoga, dance, Freedom Movement, Warrior Workouts, Meditation, Breathwork, and nourishing recipes.



My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


Tales, Tools & Tips for your Soul's Expansion


Getting To The Root ✨