• Sign up for your free 7-day trial in our digital community platform and get access to our entire online studio! After your trial, your card on file will be automatically charged unless/until you decide to cancel.

  • Monthly memberships are $39/month and will auto-renew each month.

    Yearly memberships are $420, which comes out to $35 per month.

  • Yes! You can access our digital community and studio on your computer or download the app on your phone or tablet.

  • Yes, your monthly or yearly membership will renew until you cancel.

  • We offer a variety of classes to energize, nourish, and awaken! Including:

    Shine Yoga

    Shine Dance

    Warrior Workouts

    Guided Meditation


    Freedom Movement Method

    Cooking and recipes

  • We sure do! Visit the Events + Classes page to see all of our upcoming events.

  • Please reach out to our team at careteam@shinelivingcommunity.com with any questions. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!