Tuning IN Instead of Tuning Out

Many of us have been taught that we need to wait for the “right” circumstances in our outside world to create the feeling we want on the inside. What we have learned and continue to practice daily is that we have the power to create the feeling INSIDE first. As we learn to harness and shift our feelings from the inside, we begin to witness how it shifts the unfolding of our outer world. This is living and creating our lives from the inside out. 

Our life, as we experience it on the outside, is a direct reflection of our energy on the inside. It's a proven fact. Woooooah! YES, we are that powerful.

Recognizing this, and having the practices and tools to shift our energy, is a reclamation and a reminder of the power we have within each of us. To do these practices in community is powerful, as it amplifies and strengthens the effects. Let’s ENERGIZE, NOURISH, & AWAKE together - to all that we are and all that we are becoming with these practices.

Tune In….take a few deep breaths, do you feel stuck energy in the body? Is there any armor around the heart? Notice without judgment, just…notice. Then ask yourself, am I willing to let go and try something new to shift? If the answer is yes, press play and let’s SUPER BLOOM from the heart together.

Tune In... to Nature. This Summer, remember to connect to the earth and how she is always offering us health, healing and wisdom. She is always speaking to us, all we need to do is listen. Here we use nettle as it is one of our favorite herbs with incredible health benefits. You can find nettle in the wild or at your local apothecary. It has powerful healing properties and is very easy to prepare. To learn all about the why and 2 easy recipes to enjoy, press play.

Tune In... to your breath. Awaken from the inside out with this powerful SHINE Activation Breath. When we learn to clear and expand simply through breath, we learn to feel ourselves, heal ourselves and connect to our true nature. Press play and let's get breathing.

Additional Tune-In Contemplations:

  • Where is my energy today?

  • Is there a heaviness or armor around my heart or does it feel open and expansive? Do I desire to shift the energy in my body?

  • Am I willing to do something different to do so?

Write 6 things you are grateful for in this moment and feel the emotion of gratitude in your heart as you write. Stay with the feeling of gratitude as long as possible and witness how your outside world starts to shift.

Use these tools to expand and connect to your inner Shine anytime. Hit replay as much as you desire.

Connect with us:

  • Local to the Front Range of Colorado? Join us in person for one of our upcoming events!

  • Take Shine with you wherever you go! Become a member of the Shine Living Community app for on-demand yoga, dance, Freedom Movement, Warrior Workouts, Meditation, Breathwork, and nourishing recipes.



My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


Why POWER WITH is the key to our EVOLUTION


I Walked On Fire