Why POWER WITH is the key to our EVOLUTION

It’s a triplet LEO Birthday Celebration Month! We were born as triplet sisters and instead of dropping into competition, we chose collaboration which is why we are as connected as ever as we enter our 49th year. It is also why we chose to make this month about POWER WITH.

For the past 23 years, through our restaurants, gathering places, workshops, retreats and classes, we have been creating a POWER WITH model where each and every one of us is key to the power of the whole. We learned this very early on, in the womb actually! We strongly believe it is the key to our humanity’s evolution. What is POWER WITH? Read on.

POWER WITH means FOR the people BY the people. Each of us shining in our uniqueness and truth to create a beautiful tapestry of collective wisdom and experiences. This builds a community connected through the heart and amplifies the energy field within us and all around us. This is an incredibly powerful way to heal ourselves and our planet. THIS is the way forward. 

When we are in POWER WITH, we feel enlivened, present, whole and awakened. We feel supported and seen for who we truly are. Power WITH opens up possibilities and perspectives. It helps us let go of our feelings of comparisons and opens us to inspiration and collaborations allowing us to take the bird’s eye view to navigate the path ahead.

What POWER WITH is not…

In today’s world we have seen how power over and power under has led to a divided, disconnected, disillusioned society. Power Over is what we are seeing in many areas of the world stage right now- when a few control the masses. It is often coming from lack and fear and in turn instilling fear in another. This dynamic can happen in various circumstances in our individual lives as well. Power Under is where we feel a loss of control of our choices and destiny and instead mindlessly follow the herd without an understanding of what we want or need for our own true happiness. We lose our inner compass and give our power away in hopes someone or something will “save us”. Neither is a sustainable or healthy growth model. It is a broken old paradigm that we are witnessing breaking down right now in real time - incredible times! 

But the good news is, it is a choice! And we can choose something different, we can tune in to something different. Right now we at SLC are choosing to come back to ourselves and to the importance of inspired community… a POWER WITH way of living. Are you with us?

Shine Living Community is a POWER WITH group, supporting each other in the highs and the lows, the wild waves of these times so we feel empowered from the inside out.  This community is made up of pioneers of light and love of transforming energy and harnessing joy. We are committed to healing ourselves and our planet by leaning in together and creating a life we love. JOIN US IN THIS MOVEMENT. 

Are you willing to make the shift? It begins within. Join us in these practices and let’s start the process together step by step.

POWER WITH us as we energize our bodies and go forth and have no fear. Long live the pioneers, the rebels and mutineers… that is me and you and US saying yes to a life we LOVE.

POWER WITH us as we nourish from the inside out because we understand that our food literally becomes us, so we eat to SHINE. In our 25 years in the food and wellness industry we love making food that is not only good for us but that tastes delicious too. Download your recipe here

POWER WITH us as we AWAKEN our spirit through breath and connection of our hearts remembering we are never alone.

To best serve this POWER WITH, it is vital that we connect to our power within, our strengths and our gifts that we want to share with the collective. We then awaken and attract our tribe that inspires and uplifts. 

POWER WITH is the way of Shine Living Community.  We are so happy you are here with us, a resonant community, as we activate our POWER within and elevate the energy of this planet TOGETHER. ARE YOU READY?

Choose LOVE. Choose POWER WITH.

Want more?

Three ways to join us:

  • Local to the Front Range of Colorado? Join us in-person for one of our upcoming events!

  • Join us on the Sea of Cortez in the Baja of Mexico this November. Learn more here

  • Take Shine with you wherever you go! Become a member of the Shine Living Community app for on-demand yoga, dance, Freedom Movement, Warrior Workouts, Meditation, Breathwork, and nourishing recipes.



My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


Trust in Transitions


Tuning IN Instead of Tuning Out