Trust in Transitions

Three years ago, we made the heartfelt decision to shut down our restaurants, our Shine Potions herbal beverage company, and essentially our entire career that we had built for 25 years.

It was a huge leap into the unknown with only trust and our courageous hearts as our compass. What was clear was that it was a time of great change internally as well as globally and we were ready to build community in new ways beyond the four walls of our restaurants and gathering places.

We let go of all of it. We are sure many of you can relate with this in your own experience of life these past few years.

Trusting in Transitions liberates us from the past, from our limiting programming and our outdated beliefs. Instead, we offer ourselves to this beautiful journey in trust ~ flowing freely and fearlessly even in the transitions. Just as nature surrenders herself into the next season, we too can let our path unfold naturally. So how do we trust in the unknown? Read on and let’s learn and practice it together.

Trust plays a huge part in each of our life journeys.

Trusting oneself means honoring that inner voice, our intuition, our gut feeling. When we trust ourselves, we can make decisions from our inner wisdom instead of thinking someone or something knows better about what is right for us than we do. For instance, with our health, our life path, how to spend our money, and all the millions of decisions we all navigate on a daily basis.

Trust is learning to find our inner anchor. It is about a deep listening within the body. It is a PRACTICE to master this. And to practice in an inspired, supportive community helps build that muscle more quickly and more defined because we amplify the results when we do this together. This has been studied and proven time and time again.

This is why we created SHINE LIVING COMMUNITY, to create a safe place for all of us to THRIVE.

Ponder for yourself…when change comes (and hey, we have all heard the saying that change IS the only constant), how do you show up? Do you cling, resent or resist? This takes us against the current and against our natural flow. Or instead can we surrender, learn to connect inward and tune into our heart to allow the wisdom of our higher self to shine. This clears the way to navigate from the birds eye view with its infinite possibilities, because there really IS infinite possibilities, we just need to be open in our heart enough to see it and feel it.

Are you ready and willing? Then let’s do this! Join us in these practices below as well as a whole month to dive deeply together in our digital community and in-person classes where we practice and share our own unique journeys in community around this theme all month long.

Join us as we ENERGIZE NOURISH & AWAKEN together from the HEART.

When Jill choreographs, the moves, music, and her voice are all an invitation for a somatic experience. This means dropping out of the mind and into the body, to shift energy, to open to new perspectives, and to set our mind, body and spirit free. All we need is a willingness.

Come, dance alongside us in one of our Freedom Movement dance and yoga classes where our multigenerational community comes together weekly in love and TRUST. Song by the one and only Pink. Lyrics here. Choreo by yours truly, Jill.

There is nothing more cozy than sipping on a mug of bone (or veggie) broth. It is also a powerful immune booster, anti-inflammatory and lubricating for the joints. Here, Jessica guides us to not only make a potent broth (both chicken and veggie) but also how to break down a whole chicken so we can use all its parts. Chick it out! 

Chicken Bone Broth Recipe

Vegetable Broth Recipe

A sacred yoga flow from one of our weekly FREEDOM MOVEMENT dance & yoga classes that will deepen our practice of trusting in transitions with Jessica. With this practice we learn to open to the present moment as we let breath initiate and deepen each pose, even as we move through the unknown. This helps us drop from our thinking mind into the wisdom of our body. It is from this place we learn to navigate transitions from the deep intuition within our hearts that illuminates the path ahead.

Journal Prompt

This is a tried and true practice we use in the evenings before bed.

Think of something that is shifting in your life that may be causing some resistance or fear. Pick up your pen and paper and do a dump of all the things that are causing that feeling. Dump it from your brain onto the page, it doesn’t need to look pretty or be complete sentences, just go on and get it out.

Next, write a letter to the universe with the outcome you desire. Write in as much detail as possible, where you are, who you are with, and how it feels to be on the other side. As much as possible tap into gratitude as you write. Gratitude is the key ~ As if it has already happened.

This practice will help align your inner world to your outer world, calling in to you what you want. Write, feel, and trust that the universe has heard the call and is arranging to make it happen in the best way possible for your soul’s growth.


Connect with us:

  • Local to the Front Range of Colorado? Join us in person for one of our upcoming events!

  • Take Shine with you wherever you go! Become a member of the Shine Living Community app for on-demand yoga, dance, Freedom Movement, Warrior Workouts, Meditation, Breathwork, and nourishing recipes.



My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


The Healer Within


Why POWER WITH is the key to our EVOLUTION