Thrival Kit to Connect With Your Inner Child
Energize. Nourish. Awaken.
July’s Thrival Kit includes practicing play, a delicious summer recipe, journaling prompt, and self-guided meditation.
As young children, we tend to approach the world with curiosity and wonder. We come into this life with the ability to have a clear, bright, undiluted perception of life; without judgements, labels, beliefs, or programs that come through our adult lenses.
Our life journey is about discovery, play, joy, and presence, and we believe with our childlike nature in tact, it fuels incredible discovery.
Read on to join us in Energizing, Nourishing, and Awakening your inner child!
Remembering Your Inner Child
Do you remember what it felt like to climb trees, to swing as high as you could on a swing, to ride your bike for the pure pleasure of the wind in your hair, to splash in puddles, to build forts, to happily get muddy?
Do you remember a time when you felt safe enough to let your emotions move through you without judgment?
Can we reawaken this part of ourselves to experience a clear state of perception, to more spontaneity, to self acceptance and to good old fashioned joy?
Healing Through Joy
In the height of the energy of summer, this month is all about play as we invite you to connect to your inner child. So much healing comes through connecting with that childlike nature.
How does healing actually happen? It may seem like healing needs to come through pain, discomfort, or sitting on a mountain top with no food or water for days at a time, but that is simply not true.
When we live from a place of curiosity, joy, and self-acceptance, we allow our fullest authentic expression of ourselves to shine through.
As we heal into our wholeness, we also get a higher perspective when challenges arise opening us up to solutions that we could not see when we are living from perceived limitations. Through play, we remember, we reconnect and we heal.
Energize With Play
To access your inner child, we invite you to play like you used to! Think back to when you were little - what did you love most about going to the park? If you didn’t have a nearby park growing up, what seemed like it was the most fun?
Remember the inner child inside that has a perpetuance for play. Invite your inner child out to play with you in the park!
Head over to a park and practice play:
Climb on the jungle gym
Swing on a swing
Go down a slide
Looking for more ways to connect to your inner child?
Extra Credit! Coloring Page
“You become what you believe.”
This is truly one of the most powerful lessons you can live by.
As you color these beautiful words, let it be a reminder that you are the creator of your life experience, and your life is created through your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions.
This is exactly why we practice transforming our energy with every class, workshop, gathering, and retreat with Shine Living Community.
From our humble hearts…
We are Jill & Jessica – the Shine Sisters – your guides to living your shine every day.
With our 40+ years combined experience in certified dance, yoga, reiki and nutrition ~ we are here to build community, empower from within and help you live your best life!