The Path Of Awakening

Thank you for being on this journey with us. This month’s theme is

The Path of Awakening

ARE YOU READY to feel more alive, more vitality and more present in your life? This transition from Winter to Spring is the perfect time to step onto the Path of Awakening.

It is a time for both animals and humans to wake from our winter slumber, coming out of hibernation as the ground warms up and softens for the seeds we have sown towards new growth. So what is AWAKENING? It is the point where we start to feel into what is underneath the chaos and all the expectations, into a place of connection that begins within.

Awakening is deep listening and deep knowing that bubbles up from inside. It is where we overcome our perceived limitations and our conditioning from the outside world to create a new, heart and soul-centered way to live. It is the understanding that we are our own co-creators of our life. And seeing and feeling on the inside what we want to see and feel on the outside in our world is the key.

The sisters biking in Green River, Wyoming


The Path of Awakening happens through the body ~ through awareness of sensations, feelings, and emotions.

At Shine Living Community we practice accessing this through movement, stillness, breath, and community. In these potent times that we are living, there is a choice point before us. One path is about division and being a victim to outside circumstances bringing up fear and confusion OR the path of awakening, which is accessing our power through our own body’s wisdom, our own inner compass. Where are you on the path? Are you willing to allow the path of awakening to unfold? If so, read on.

Awakening is a practice of remembering who we are at the deepest part of ourselves and understanding what we came here to do. It is about connecting with our inner world to make change in the world we experience around us. When we awaken we can see a higher perspective and we can see solutions that we may have not been able to see before. We practice becoming the best version of oneself from the inside out. And this, friends, is a courageous act because once you begin to live your life in alignment with your soul’s voice you will see how relationships and situations in your life start to change into alignment with your soul’s path. The experiences that are not in the best interest may start to fall away or shift. Be patient and keep practicing because when we awaken we access the FREEDOM to SHINE in all that we are.

This month through our classes, workshops and inspirations ~ we will be practicing the Path of Awakening.

Here is your March Thrival Kit to get you started down the path.

This month through our classes, workshops and inspirations ~ we will be practicing the Path of Awakening. We have chosen three tips and a journal prompt to help you ENERGIZE, NOURISH & AWAKEN. We do every one of these practices together in our weekly FREEDOM MOVEMENT dance and yoga journey. You can join us live in Boulder, Colorado or online from everywhere. When we practice together it amplifies the results and to us, that is the true meaning of community.


Shake song of the month!

Why Shake? Because it is an incredible healing technique.  A few reasons to Shake: it releases tension in the body, boosts our immune system, harmonizes our lymph system, is wonderful for cardiovascular health, wakes up different parts of the body we might seldom use, opening us to new wisdom within. So let’s shake with reckless abandon, there is no wrong way to do it! 3-11 minutes in the morning will change your day and your health for the better! We love to shake to this song.


RECIPE: Dairy-Free Caesar Salad

We love this recipe because it is loaded with plant protein and flavor! The Dulse seaweed is also high in trace minerals which are balancing for the nervous system. This nutritionally dense recipe is a family favorite for salads and even as a dipping sauce for fish and chicken. Enjoy! Checkout the recipe here.


Heart Breath Meditation: Our Extended Exhale Breath

When we take long slow deep breaths and extend the exhales by a few seconds it does wonders for our well-being. A few highlights: It tells our nervous system we are safe and we begin to bring our attention inside to the sensation and direction from inside. This brings us into presence. It can help diminish sleep issues. Do it before bed or for middle of the night wakefulness to drown out the monkey mind and come into a restful state. It is a centering technique before a big meeting or challenging conversation that can bring clarity and more perspective. Your breath should feel expansive but comfortable.  If you Inhale for 4 counts you would exhale for 6 counts or in for 5 and out for 7 or in for 6 and out for 8. Your body, your choice, see what feels best for you and then simply breeeeeathe. This song is called Awakening and can help stoke the healing energy. 

JOURNAL PROMPTS to access the wisdom that already lies within. 

Write a letter from your future self.

When a question or challenge comes up that you are struggling to answer, write down the question and then put yourself into your future Self mode. 

Picture yourself as a wise elder, an ancient sage, and speak to yourself now. What would your “future” Self tell your “right now” Self? 


May we CHOOSE LOVE & CARRY ON. We hope to see you sometime real soon!




My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


Getting To The Root ✨


Vegan Cesar Dressing