Writing Prompt: Your Soul’s Expansion


To access the wisdom that already lies within.


Your Soul’s Expansion

What is something you want to heal either physically or emotionally in your being?

  1. Write it down.

  2. Next, write down all the things you will do once it is healed. Write it in as much detail as possible.

  3. Next, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe life into that part of your body (heart if it's heartbreak, maybe into the belly if it is where you are feeling anxiety, the back if you are feeling back pain etc). Invite the space to open.

  4. Start to breathe love into that part of you.

  5. Start to visualize and feel the feelings in your body of all the things you wrote down that you will do and how it will feel when it is healed. Breathe love, open, and visualize you healed for at least 3 minutes.

  6. Check in with your body and see if anything has shifted.

  7. Continue this practice as many times as needed until you feel a shift (because it WILL shift!)

Looking for more ways to connect to your soul’s expansion? 

We hope to see you in your soul's expansion this month live or in our new digital studio.

Together we Rise and SHINE.

From our humble hearts…


We are Jill & Jessica – the Shine Sisters – your guides to living your shine every day.

With our 40+ years combined experience in certified dance, yoga, reiki and nutrition ~ we are here to build community, empower from within and help you live your best life!


Masters in Holistic Nutrition. Restaurant Owner and Chef Creative. Master Reiki Practitioner. Yoga and Meditation devotee. All for 20+ years.

I love inspiring individuals and families how to create delicious foods to nourish your SHINE. You can find me on my mountain bike, snowboard, cruising in our family van, foraging mushrooms deep in a wooded forest or at one of our programs locally or globally. Living in Boulder, Colorado with my two beautiful daughters and Czech husband who I am sure you will see along the way!


Recipe: Fresh Stinging Nettle and Yam Soup


Energize: Shake It Out!