Energize: Shake It Out!
Shake it out with our Shine song of the month!
Shake It Song of the Month!
Give yourself 3-5 minutes every single morning to shake it out. This song is what we are digging right now to shake it to. Taking the time each morning to bounce is incredible for our health. Here are some of the benefits:
Stimulates the movement of the lymph throughout the body which detoxifies our system
Activates a healthy immune response
Releases stuck energy relieving stress and tension and creating energy flow in your system.
Uplevel by gently tapping with soft fists, the sternum, and the armpits as you bounce to further benefit the lymph and immune system while activating positive energy shifts in the body.
Looking for more ways to support your soul’s expansion?
From my humble heart…
My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.
I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.