Thrival Kit: Trust the Process
Energize. Nourish. Awaken.
November’s Thrival Kit includes an invitation to our 30-day challenge to AWAKEN! Get access to one of our most popular Shine Living Dance classes, our Heart-Brain Coherence meditation, and a delicious grain-free seasonal bread recipe. Read to the end to find all the resources!
We come to you from the East Cape of the Baja on the Sea of Cortez where we are leading an incredible group of women in deep practice and joyful surrender during this intense week in our nation.
These incredible times we are living in are an invitation to anchor within and to connect to our hearts to find new ways. We simply are not going to find new solutions to old problems from a place of fear and anxiety.
When we practice connecting to our hearts, instead of seeing only limited outcomes, division, or states of despair, we start to come into a place of acceptance and trust — we start to see possibility.
To feel this, we must practice moving from fear to trust. Trust that this process we are in is inviting something beyond what we can see right now. Trust that the breakdown is necessary in order to create breakthroughs and new systems that bring unity and transformation.
Trust the Process
Trust that this, too, is growing and expanding us to create new ways. It can bring up feelings of vulnerability as we move through the unknown. It is also an opportunity to tune into our thoughts.
Are we assuming the worst and perpetuating the feeling of fear or worry? Or can we practice shifting the thoughts to what we want (instead of what we don’t want), deepening the breath, and taking a moment to tune in to the present moment.
Choose Trust
We have so many opportunities every day to choose trust or worry. Are we fueling exactly that which we don’t want to see — fear, division, judgment? Or can we intentionally become the antidote — coming back to our hearts, to the beauty within us and all around us that helps us see the possibility and solution in the path ahead.
It is then that we can take a higher perspective through the eyes of the heart. To tune in to what connects us all, rather than what divides us.
It is vital that we practice moving our energy up and out of the stuck, frozen fear, anxiety, resentment, blame to this place of trust … so the invitation this month is to practice doing just that.
We are offering a free 30-day LEVEL UP thrival kit to TRUST THE PROCESS.
ENERGIZE with our SLOW AND STEADY MOVEMENT PRACTICE to help you anchor into your inner strength. As you move with the music and choreography, we invite you to FEEL your body, get curious, invite opening with your breath where you feel tight or contracted, bring in the feeling of acceptance for what is and the wonder for what is possible.
AWAKEN with a beautiful HEART BRAIN COHERENCE practice that brings us into the most powerful state of our energy system which is that of harmony and love. It is the energy frequency of healing and of getting beyond our perceived limitations. In turbulent times we may find ourselves in fear and disconnection. This technique calls us back home to ourselves, to our hearts. It has the power to not only shift the energy and create healing in the body but also bring us to a bird’s eye view or perspective of our current situations and surroundings.
We have also included a Fall recipe to NOURISH you and your family with our grain-free Pumpkin Bread.
Join us for 30 days and feel the difference it brings in your body, mind and spirit and how THAT shifts how you experience the world around you. It is incredible how powerful we become when we recognize that life is actually an INSIDE job.
Are you in? Let’s go.
Thrival Kit
Explore your Monthly Thrival Kit to practice this unified feeling of connectedness:
From our humble hearts…
We are Jill & Jessica – the Shine Sisters – your guides to living your shine every day.
With our 40+ years combined experience in certified dance, yoga, reiki and nutrition ~ we are here to build community, empower from within and help you live your best life!