A Potent Autumn Equinox Practice


Self Inquiry/Journal Prompt: It is a time to restore balance in our life after an expansive Summer.

This Autumn Equinox is a beautiful moment in time where Earth comes into balance and the increasing darkness invites us to go inward. It’s a time of harvesting what we want bring forth to carry us through winter and to decompose and give back to the Earth what we want to let go of, what we no longer wish to carry. It is a time to restore balance in our life after and expansive Summer. It is the Earth energy inviting us to root down deep into her magnificence and to create from that place of groundedness, like the dark womb space of growth and creativity. 


1. What are warming practices I want to bring in to support my spirit during this weather and energy shift?

I like to drink warm tea in the mornings and evenings during the Fall. I use a space heater in my meditation room to make it extra cozy. I bundle up and go outside and hike or dance and get my inner fire going to boost my immune system and convene with Nature as she too goes through her letting go. 

2. What do I want to let go of as I move into the Fall. What needs to be decomposed? What do I no longer want to carry? 

For me, worry, not being able to receive, letting go of timelines that are of my own doing (stepping into trust and worthiness).

3. What is out of balance in my life, maybe practices or routines that got scattered during the summer? What do I want to come back to or create to bring more balance?

I set time aside for morning meditation, breathwork, and JOURNALING. When I journal I feel more clear and less busy mind. 

4. From this place of inwardness, of  rooting deep down into yourself… what do you wish to create?

I am sitting with all of this and invite you to do it with me. I am so grateful for you being here in witness of one another as we continue to step into the wild unknown...together in community

Happy Fall, y’all!

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My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


Feeling into Our Divinity


Signs, Signs, Everywhere There Are Signs