Feeling into Our Divinity

Joyful smile in front of lake at sunset

It feels important for each of us to have an intentional practice that brings us into our center. For me, it is deep meditation, yoga, dance, and breathwork. What is it for you?

With our practices, little by little, we come home to ourselves. We open and unfold to our true essence. Experiencing the truth of who we truly are. We experience our divinity.

Through practice, through patience, and through presence. We call our energy back to ourselves.

We unlock the blocks.

It is an undoing more than a doing. A surrender.

Letting the energy that we are all made flow within us and all around us.

We feel what it means to live from our soul. 

We are not our bodies. We are what animates our bodies.  We are what looks out of the eyes of our body. We are the soul. Pure energy

Each of us a unique expression. Each of us needed in that full expression.

So what does this mean for our embodied experience?

We learn to feel mastery and flow in our lives when we learn to listen to our soul for guidance and wisdom.  When we learn to navigate from our higher self, our heart, our divinity, we understand that we are powerful creators.  We understand that we are here to expand and awaken as a soul within the body. Learning to hear the difference between our mind chatter and our soul speak takes practice. The language of the body is feeling. It can be subtle. But with practice we feel more. We connect more. We learn to understand the language. We plug into this energy that we are. And we start to navigate from the soul energy of the body, our true essence, rather than the mind.

The mind can be easily programmed from our past, from our fears, from what we have been taught from the external world, rather than navigating from our internal world.  The mind, of course has its beautiful place in our awareness and our experience, but we walk our destiny when our soul leads, rather than the mind.   

The soul longs for expansion, wholeness, full expression. Because that’s what it came here to do. To experience wholeness, to experience pure love through the body.

When we understand that our soul is here for expansion. Then we understand this is the path we seek. This is what our unique life experience intends. To unfold us into fullest expression

Everything in our lives moves us toward this awakening. The friction that we create is sometimes needed to feel so that we can integrate. It can be in the form of Illness, heartache, challenges etc. Through these experiences-with presence, with curiosity, with trust, we have the opportunity to reconnect parts of ourselves that may not be integrated or to reeenergize parts of of our flow that is blocked from old story, old beliefs that have shut down.

It can feel very challenging at times. Insecurities come up. The density sets in. The worry. The illness. Whatever it may be.

At times it takes feeling this pain to choose to dive deeper.

This is why our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.

As we navigate this expansion through our path, we have the power, the creatorship to heal, to expand with every experience we encounter.

When worry arises. Anxiety. Insecurities. Lack- when we start to run an old story, it is a sign we are getting disembodied, disconnected from our soul. And that creates more pain. That’s when we know its time to listen in IN. To feel into the energy underneath the story.  To breath into the parts of our body that we feel that anxiety, or that we don’t feel at all. We get quiet to feel and breathe into the sensations. We reenergize our system so we can set the compass from the direction of the soul, the heart.

The mind can loop us into old stories and patterns. The heart tells us. The body shows us.

The human experience is shifting. With growing awareness and practice, we are evolving as a species. We are becoming our own healers, our own guides. We are the ones we have been waiting for. It’s us. We have the power to create wholeness within us.  We are wired for it! . By opening to the subtle energy of the soul, by learning to listen and respond from a higher perspective, by choosing to see the world through the eyes of love, we see that life is unfolding for our expansion. That it is happening for us, not to us.

As we tune in, we take our seat in the power of who we truly are. Beyond the programming. Beyond the story. We open to what’s possible.

Keep practicing. And together we find our way back home.

Meditation Practice to Feel Your Soul Speak

Come into a comfortable seated position.

Let your hips, the base of your spine, your root sink heavy into the earth, supported.

Let the spine rise out of your hips, straight and strong.

Slightly drop your chin so eyes are looking straight ahead.

Close your eyes.

Picture a bright sparkly ball of light about 6 inches above your head.

With slow, even breaths, move the light down the center channel of your body.

Letting it flow into the head-blossoming the space in the center of your head.

Flowing into your throat…softening…opening…

Flowing into the heart space…bathing your heart…healing…

Flowing into your solar plexus…swirling…Amplifying the Power…

Flowing into your belly…bringing a sense of ease and flow…

And flowing into the base of your spine and through your root into Mother Earth…grounding, fortifying…

Continuing to breathe slow, long breaths to draw the bright, white, sparkly light back up from deep inside Mother Earth through your roots into your lower spine and back up the center channel belly, solar plexus heart, throat, and head.

Repeat this from your head to your root and your root to your head several times.

As we do this, we can tune into parts of our being that may feel numbness, pain, buzzing, or whatever it is that sends a message that it needs attention. Spend time bringing, breath and attention to this area. This practice aligns our energy, it plugs in our circuitry so we can feel our connection to divinity.

We ARE Divinity.


Connect with us:

  • Local to the Front Range of Colorado? Join us in person for one of our upcoming events!

  • Take Shine with you wherever you go! Become a member of the Shine Living Community app for on-demand yoga, dance, Freedom Movement, Warrior Workouts, Meditation, Breathwork, and nourishing recipes.


Masters in Holistic Nutrition. Restaurant Owner and Chef Creative. Master Reiki Practitioner. Yoga and Meditation devotee. All for 20+ years.

I love inspiring individuals and families how to create delicious foods to nourish your SHINE. You can find me on my mountain bike, snowboard, cruising in our family van, foraging mushrooms deep in a wooded forest or at one of our programs locally or globally. Living in Boulder, Colorado with my two beautiful daughters and Czech husband who I am sure you will see along the way!


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