Getting To The Root ✨


Growing strong and deep roots will help you thrive when the winds of change and transition come. When we feel rooted, we can let go of the need to control. We can let the winds come, let them open and unfurl us because we are rooted and connected to a strong sense of trust and inner wisdom.​ Read on to find out how…

And keep scrolling for our monthly thrival tips as well as live and livestream opportunities to join us in community practice.

There is a narrative happening where we are bombarded with messages for a quick fix - take a magic pill for this ailment or a shot for this issue. We mask symptoms so we don’t have to look at what is really going on. Of course there is great value in many remedies AND it is also vital to look at the root cause of why it is happening, to understand what is really going on underneath the symptoms and situations.

For example, if we have a recurring pain in our body, a recurring relationship issue or recurring thought patterns that are not serving us, it takes courage to get curious and to look underneath the surface as to where it came from. It is vital to our healing to get to the root. We see it in physical and emotional health, relationships, we even see it playing out in the political arena - we try to make a quick fix but the issue keeps showing up in similar ways. Even if it's with a different cast of characters, the result ends up in a similar tune and flavor. This is because we aren’t getting to the root cause.

Our roots are how we take in nourishment, just like a flower or a tree, and if we are feeding ourselves from toxic soil then it can cause toxicity in the body. When we are rooted in nourishment it shows in the outward experience of life. Strong mighty roots help us survive and thrive when the winds of change and transition come which it always does. The deeper and stronger we root, the higher we can climb and the stronger we can stand. 

So how do we create rich soil for our roots to grow deep and strong? 

  • We practice mastering nourishment through our words (to ourselves and others), feelings, and emotions 

  • We feed our bodies well  

  • We take time for introspection, we practice listening deeply to our body, to what it is saying and what it is needing 

  • We surround ourselves with nourishing people that help feed our soil instead of deplete it and let go of or transform toxic situations in our lives

  • We make times for people and situations that bring us joy and authentic connection.

It takes practice, it takes commitment, and it takes knowing you are worthy of a rich and beautiful life. 

“Practicing with Jill & Jessica and this community is so empowering. I am feeling my life change from the inside out and my vision finally coming into alignment. I feel grounded and steady. Thank you!” ~Rebecca, SLC member


Our April Thrival Tips

This month through our classes, workshops and inspirations ~ we will be practicing Getting to the Root. Here is your April Thrival Kit to get you revved up on the path.

We have chosen three tips and a journal prompt to help you ENERGIZE, NOURISH & AWAKEN. And please do join us at our weekly Freedom Movement™️ class where we will practice (in-person and virtually) this theme all month long. You can join us live in Boulder, Colorado or online from everywhere. When we practice together it amplifies the results and to us, that is the true meaning of community.


Spring Earth Shake

As you may know, we are huge fans of shaking it out. It has incredible health benefits both physically and emotionally. This month we invite you to step outside barefoot on the Spring Earth and SHAKE.

As you shake, feel your connection to Mother Earth, to all the seeds that are beginning to sprout and reach through the darkness towards the sun. It is powerful energy to tap into! If you like a song to help you shake, we like
this one for Spring time. Try it for 3 min or more and then pause and feel how your body has shifted, feel your feet rooting into the earth and feel the energy exchange between you and Mother Earth. Grounding barefoot on the earth or “earthing” as it is called, has proven health benefits and no matter what, it connects you more deeply to Nature and in turn your own true Nature.

Benefits of going barefoot include:

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Restore balance 

  • Decrease pain

  • Boost mood

  • Regulate nervous system

  • Sleep Support

  • Reduce EMF’s 

 You can find more about earthing here.

Roasted Root Vegetables

Root Vegetables are very grounding and nourishing, especially when grown in organic rich soils. We love to roast veggies that are in season and local, any root veggies will do. Parsnips, beets, carrots, onions, radishes, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, and mushrooms are all great options. You can serve them over greens, use as a side dish, or as part of an antipasta plate with meats and cheeses. Checkout the recipe here.

Take a Walk

Take a slow walk and notice the seeds starting to sprout. These seeds that were in the darkness of the Winter are starting to awaken and reach for the light, to do so they must build their roots. It takes courage to reach through the unknown darkness, it takes nourishment of our soil to grow deep roots. Take a walk and notice the buds starting to open, seeds starting to sprout and the first signs of Spring. Contemplate where in your life you are growing or want to grow strong roots of your own. Where do you want to dig deeper to gain more understanding by shining a light in the darker places. Watch how nature is doing that every day all around us and feel into what that feels like inside yourself.

JOURNAL PROMPTS to access the wisdom that already lies within. 

This practice will help get to the root of an issue…

Think of an issue you are having in your life that you want to transform. Write down the issue.

When you bring the issue to the forefront through thought and writing, is there a place you feel it in your body?

Breathe into the sensations in your body and do some inquiry.
Do you feel mad, sad, disappointed?

Is there a truth you haven’t spoken?

Does it remind you of something?

Next ask yourself if you are willing to shift. If the answer is yes, take some deep breaths, if you feel any tightness in your body, invite it to open. Ask yourself “what are 3 things I am willing to do right now to help the situation shift?” Write them down and make a commitment to yourself to do them in a time that feels doable.

Keep coming back to this inquiry and journal prompt as many times as you need to transform and transcend the issue. Get to the root of it and allow it to shift for good. You got this.


P.S. Have a listen to Jill & Jessica as they discuss slowing down to speed up and how this has impacted their life for the better.

On the Business. Wealth. Impact Podcast.

Read about how Shine Living Community was birthed out of a 20+ year career of building community through our organic restaurants and events in our WELL Mag feature.

Connect with us:

  • Local to the Front Range of Colorado? Join us in-person for one of our upcoming events!

  • Join us on the Sea of Cortez in the Baja of Mexico this November. Learn more here

  • Take Shine with you wherever you go! Become a member of the Shine Living Community app for on-demand yoga, dance, Freedom Movement, Warrior Workouts, Meditation, Breathwork, and nourishing recipes.



My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


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