Awaken: Self-Inquiry of Emotional Sensations


Are you willing to find growth and expansion from challenges?


This human experience is about expansion. It is not about always having us be comfortable, in fact contraction is often needed for a wider expansion. 

Think of a jellyfish and how it contracts to move forward. Both are necessary. 


Where in your life do you feel contracted, worried, anxious? 

Are you willing to look at it from a growth mindset, with the understanding that, this is growing me? What is this trying to teach me?

Remember a time in your life when a challenge turned into new insights, new understanding of your superpowers, a clearing of an old pattern (we guarantee you there have been many). This is showing up because you are ready for the uplevel version of you.  

With your current challenge, are you willing to breathe into any tight places you might be holding in your body as you bring it to mind and listen within?

What shifts in your body when you approach this challenge alongside the understanding that it is there to expand you? Can you see it through the perspective of trust that it is happening for your soul’s expansion? 

It is! Supernova Style… If it feels supportive to integrate the teaching of your inner wisdom, you can journal on what you experienced.  

Looking for more ways to shine like a supernova? 


From my humble heart…


My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


Nourish Recipe: Decadent Grain-Free Beet Brownies


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