Shine Living Journal

Yoga + Life: Freedom In Mind + Movement
PRESS & NEWS Jill Emich PRESS & NEWS Jill Emich

Yoga + Life: Freedom In Mind + Movement

The relationship to our body and the wisdom that it holds is the most important relationship of our life. It teaches us who we are and affects how we relate to ourselves and the world around us. When we learn to listen to our inner compass, it is the ultimate freedom. It gives us a higher perspective and an inner anchor in which to lean into as we navigate our life path.

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Journaling or writing is a tool we use to help clear the brain, to work out a challenge by prompting certain questions and see what wants to come, or to remember or share an experience or teaching that has shifted our view of the world. Each entry will have prompts to ponder and write if you are called to. BEGIN WITHIN…..